Book this venue

Mel Lastman Square is also home to an outdoor theatre that hosts various events, including the Sunday Serenades jazz concerts each summer. Other popular events include the RBC Run for the Kids, a farmer’s market, cultural and arts festivals, Canada Day celebrations, and numerous family-friendly activities.


40’ permanent, covered main stage with state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems

City’s largest outdoor fountain and wading pool that serves as an ice rink in the winter

An intimate 300-seat amphitheatre with fully equipped sound and lighting package

Free Wi-Fi for guests

Two 25’ digital program screens at the main stage

Award-winning accessibly designed outdoor space

Market area with built-in amenities to accommodate vendors

Picnic tables, additional seating and umbrellas

Past Event Photos

Aloha Fest

Yonge North York Canada Day Celebration

Dance On Yonge

Yonge North York Night Market

Toronto Korean Festival

Sunday Serenades

Event Application

Commercial Events

Commercial events at Mel Lastman Square can range from intimate gatherings to large-scale productions, utilizing the Stage, Rink, or even the entire Square. Whether you're planning a live concert, food festival, seasonal celebration, or a small pop-up and product sampling, our space is versatile and ready to accommodate. To apply, simply fill out the online application form.


To apply as a non-profit organization, simply complete the online application form. Non-profit organizations may be eligible for a waiver of certain fees. Please contact Paul at to confirm your eligibility (proof of NPO status is required).


Please contact Paul Quinlan, Community Recreation Programmer at

Flag Raising

Flag raisings enhance public awareness of activities such as fundraising drives, multi-cultural events and national or independence days. For more information, please visit the City of Toronto website and contact Paul at


Commercial photography, television productions and film shoots must apply for a permit to be on site. This includes anything that has a “set-up” or could impede or interfere with another possible activation or event. For more information, please visit the City of Toronto website or contact Paul at


Event Marketing Assistance

For assistance in promoting your event to local residents or a broader audience, contact us at

On-Site Event Equipment

We provide on-site event equipment to ensure your event runs seamlessly. For a complete list of available equipment, please refer to our Event Guidelines. Contact Paul at to confirm the availability of these items.

Community Resources & Grants

We have compiled a list of programs that could be of help to you in re-entering the event space. See the list below for a snapshot of some of the current opportunities that are available for events and festivals.

  • Canadian History Fund: This fund supports the production of learning material, the organization of learning activities, and the creation or maintenance of networks. Those who can apply include organizations with a focus on Canadian history, civics, or public policy that also have a successful track record of delivering programming nationally, and post-secondary institutions. Please note: activities must have a national, not regional, reach to be eligible.

  • Celebrate Canada: Provides funding for events hosted on National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24th), Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27th), and Canada Day (July 1st).

  • Commemorate Canada: Provides funding for Canadian non-profit organizations, Canadian business corporations (non-commercial), Canadian educational institutions, Canadian provincial, territorial, municipal, and Indigenous governments. Program favours commemorations and celebrations marking 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th anniversaries (and increments of 25 years after 100 years). The program provides funding to initiatives that commemorate and celebrate historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments of national significance. Applications can be submitted anytime, although recommended to be submitted at least six months prior to the event.

  • Cultural Festivals Funding Program: The Cultural Festivals Funding Program (CFFP) is designed to support the development of the festival sector in a manner that is accessible, transparent and accountable. The CFFP advances the City’s access, equity and inclusion goals, including reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

  • Experience Ontario Program: This program supports events that have an economic impact and increase tourism spending. The following criteria must be met to apply: must be an Ontario-based entity from January 2022 or previous, the event must be a minimum of 2 days, open to the public, increase tourism, provide job opportunities for Ontarians, and occur in Ontario. Additionally, the event must take place between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024. Organizations may receive funding for 50% of eligible costs, up to $125,000.

  • Ontario Arts Council Grants: The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) provides grants to Ontario-based individual artists and arts professionals, ad hoc groups, collectives and organizations. Grants support a range of arts activities and disciplines.

  • Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund (OCAF): This fund aims to help increase and promote cultural tourism by assisting arts, cultural, and heritage organizations to capitalize on events and activities in Ontario. Organizations can apply if they meet the following: must be a one-time project, represent a new programming initiative from the applicants business plan for that year, run for a fixed period of time, the organization must be an incorporated Ontario-based not-for profit/heritage/cultural organization that has existed for 1+ years, and the primary purpose of the organization must be the presentation or preservation of arts/heritage/cultural programming.

  • Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit: Provides production corporations with a tax credit. In order to qualify the production company must be: a taxable Canadian corporation, a taxable foreign-owned corporation, primarily engaged in the activities of a film/video production business, and the production company must be the owner of the production’s copyright. Applications can be submitted anytime. To apply, create a CAVCO account and complete the Official Designee form. It takes roughly 120 business days for applications to gain approval.

  • Toronto Arts Council’s Community Arts Project Grant: Provides funding to pursue one-time or time-limited community arts projects.

* Mel Lastman Square does not accept unsolicited proposals from vendors, artists or performers. If you are interested in being a food vendor at a third-party event, please contact the event directly. Due to confidentiality agreements, we are unable to provide contact information for our event organizers.